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12 Derwood Circle
Rockville, MD

As the only women’s, flat-track roller derby league in Montgomery County, MD, Free State Roller Derby (FSRD) is hometown and homegrown. Founded in November 2009, FSRD is 100 percent volunteer-run by a growing group of devoted skaters and Fresh Meat, and is backed by a dedicated crew of referees and non-skating officials (NSOs).

FSRD is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Basha Kneesta

Derby name origin: I’m an apparel designer and costume enthusiast.

When did you join roller derby? July 2011

What brought you to Free State? Roller derby.

How did you find Free State? My friend Neil (our announcer) met them at a meet and greet at Austin Grill and told me about them. I emailed Slaughter immediately and was at my first practice two days later.


Which leagues/teams are you affiliated with? (e.g. Suzies, Villains, Team Maryland, DCRG, CCRG, etc)

I’ve skated with Team Maryland for 3 seasons and the Black-Eyed Suzies for 8 seasons.

Are you a member of any committees or have off-skates roles?

I coach the Suzies and serve as a league co-chair.

Do you have a skating/athletic background?

I hadn’t skated since my last kiddie roller rink birthday party before joining. I grew up playing all sorts of sports and continued with softball and volleyball in competitive adult leagues.

Likes/dislikes: I like cats and Lizard. I dislike bell peppers.

What is your Non-Derby-Related job? Motherhood.

Pre-Bout ritual: Rushing around to get everyone in my house settled and myself ready. Not limited to bouts.

Signature move: Spreadsheeting.

Roller Derby Hero: Tui Lyon & Miracle Whips